Tax Moves To Make Now For The End Of The Year In 2022

Dec 17, 2023 By Triston Martin

Preparing your taxes at the end of the year end tax planning , as it may help you save money by taking advantage of tax credits and deductions. To reduce your tax liability, you may investigate several strategies, including adjusting your withholding, making the most of your retirement savings, giving to charity, liquidating assets with capital losses, and more. Get ready for tax season by staying on top of tax law changes and organizing your paperwork in advance. Make sure you review your finances before the end of the year to ensure you are eligible for tax benefits and deductions. Finding the best way to handle this may require seeking the advice of a financial advisor or tax professional.

Review Your Yearly Revenue And Deductions

Examine your yearly earnings and deductions to ascertain your financial standing. As a result, you'll know whether you're on pace to owe taxes or get a refund, and you'll have a better idea of how much money to set aside.

Invest In Retirement Accounts

Put money down in a retirement plan like a 401(k) or an individual retirement account if you haven't already. This may help you save for the future and lower your tax bill simultaneously. You may reduce your taxable income by the amount you put into a regular 401(k) or an individual retirement account (IRA).

Max Out Your Flexible Spending Account

Employer-provided FSAs are a great perk, so use yours to their full potential. A flexible spending account (FSA) is a tax-advantaged savings account that may be used to pay for specific healthcare and dependent care costs. Funds remaining in an FSA at the end of year tax planning will be forfeited, so it's in your best interest to use them before the year is out.

Consider Charitable Giving

Donating to charity before the end of the year is an excellent idea if you're in a position to do so. Donating to charity allows you to lower your taxable income by the amount you give. Be aware that there may be restrictions on your charitable contributions deductions; check with an accountant or the IRS for details.

Defer Income To Next Year

Income deferral is an option if you anticipate a lower tax rate next year. Two examples are putting off the sale of assets until next year or renegotiating the timing of a payout with your company. Delaying income may have unintended implications, such as triggering the alternative minimum tax. Therefore, it's essential to get the advice of a tax expert before taking any action.

Accelerate Deductions Into This Year

Deducting expenses this year may be preferable for those who anticipate being in a higher tax rate next year. This can include making year-end tax planning payments on mortgage interest and property taxes. Please get the advice of a tax expert before making any moves.

Review Your Withholdings

Review your withholdings if you are getting a significant return or paying many taxes. The IRS provides a withholding calculator to help determine whether your employer is taking off the appropriate amount of money for taxes from your paychecks. You can change your withholdings if you get too little of your paycheck after taxes and other deductions.

Benefit From Tax Deductions And Credits.

To help you pay less in taxes, the government offers various tax credits and deductions. Earned Income Tax Credit, Child and Dependent Care Credit, and Student Loan Interest Deduction are all excellent examples. Do your homework and claim all the credits and deductions to which you are entitled.


Year-end tax planning aims to minimize tax payments by making the most of available credits and deductions. You may save money by adjusting your withholding, donating, selling assets at a loss, and claiming tax credits. Keep up-to-date on the tax regulations and set aside time for preparation before tax season. Assess your financial situation and make any necessary modifications before the end of the year to get the most out of your tax deductions and credits. It might be beneficial to consult a financial advisor or tax expert before making a final decision. Maintaining order and accuracy in one's records all year long is just as important as doing so at tax time. It's easier to gather the necessary evidence and information for filing taxes now. With some forethought and organization, paying your taxes correctly and taking advantage of any tax breaks is possible.

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